Writing Despite Skyrocketing Stimulus-Driven Pandemic Profits, Walmart Rewards Employees With $150 Americans are flocking to Walmart with their stimulus checks like it’s Black Friday. But while the retail behemoth’s stock price and revenues are growing, the average associate is left with none of the financial reward. Maggie, a 33-year-old Walmart associate in Colorado, barely survived the first week of
Contact Quinn If you'd like to contact me for an interview, podcast, pitch, tip, or question about what my whole deal is – you can do so here! ⤵️ Quinn Myers ContactQuinn Myers Twitter account is @quinmyers. You can email him on gmail or Proton as well.Quinn MyersQuinn Myers
Google Glass: The Book Google Glass was supposed to replace phones and PCs, becoming the peripheral that turned the internet itself into a bodily function, making the instant overlay of real-time information into a new organic language. Where did everything go wrong? Google Glass: The BookGoogle Glass (the book) is the warts-and-all inside story
Internet Culture & Tech Reporting From reporting investigative features on online radicalization, tech, and labor, to interviews with the internet's Main Characters before they reach peak virality – check out a few highlights of Quinn's work in the link below. WorkFeatures Investigations into online radicalization, tech, labor, and masculinity. Nurse Bounties: How